fd signifier

This isn't how we fix our problems

How did we let Johnny Depp get away with this?

Why women are running hip hop now

Explaining racism gently is a waste of time.

Early thoughts on Kamala Harris

Why Lebron Really is a King Amongst Men (Light Work #3)

Liberals stop lying about the Civil Rights Movement Challenge (Difficulty Impossible)

fd signifier says professor flowers wants to genocide white people | vaush #shorts

Unhappy Fans 😤 | FD Signifier #hasanabi #hasanpiker

The WWE's complex 'Black' history

Ishowspeed is a CLOWN... and that's ok

FD Signifier is wrong about the trophy wife being debunked

I'm really trying i promise...

'The Left has FAILED Men'... I guess

Drake is still a loser even after he won...

When you can't separate the art from the artist

Leave Caleb Williams alone.

Exposing Hip Hop's Original Industry Plants...kinda

But no seriously I love Doja Cat...

Help Stop Atlanta's 'Cop City'

Drake is always quiet on black issues

'White leftists' are OBSESSED with Hoteps

Youtubers won't save your friends from the Manosphere

FD Signifier's Take on Pseudointellectuals Like Terrance Howard